Thursday, May 31, 2007

Blonde Fade-Out

It's been a while since my last post, but the truth is it takes time to come up with these rarities! Hehehe
So, let's get to it then...

I've been reading a book by Michael Crichton called NEXT, and in it I found a reference to an article about blond people becoming extinct.
This got me thinking, and considering the fact that the "blonde gene" is recessive, I have to say it didn't sound like that far a fetch! =D
So I decided to to a bit of research on it, and I found the article. Here it is:

Blondes 'to die out in 200 years'
Scientists believe the last blondes will be in Finland
The last natural blondes will die out within 200 years, scientists believe.
A study by experts in Germany suggests people with blonde hair are an endangered species and will become extinct by 2202.
Researchers predict the last truly natural blonde will be born in Finland - the country with the highest proportion of blondes.
But they say too few people now carry the gene for blondes to last beyond the next two centuries.
The problem is that blonde hair is caused by a recessive gene.
In order for a child to have blonde hair, it must have the gene on both sides of the family in the grandparents' generation.

The researchers also believe that so-called bottle blondes may be to blame for the demise of their natural rivals.
They suggest that dyed-blondes are more attractive to men who choose them as partners over true blondes.
Bottle-blondes like Ann Widdecombe may be to blame
But Jonathan Rees, professor of dermatology at the University of Edinburgh said it was unlikely blondes would die out completely.
"Genes don't die out unless there is a disadvantage of having that gene or by chance. They don't disappear," he told BBC News Online.
"The only reason blondes would disappear is if having the gene was a disadvantage and I do not think that is the case.
"The frequency of blondes may drop but they won't disappear."

BBC News. "Blondes 'to Die Out in 200 Years'"
27 September 2002.

I can't help but think about red-haired people. What happened to them?? Let's be honest. How many of us know a true red-hair?

Now... Let's not get ahead of ourselves! Is there any real science behind this claim?
The short answer is: OF COURSE NOT!
But this blog is all about theorizing, so I thought I'd give it a chance...

Just a final word of advice.
People of the world: enjoy blonds while you can!!

1 comment:

JackTheBloody said...

OMG! That's actually somewhat depressing. In my opinion the natural blondes will always be better than the bottled blondes, they're also the most likely to have blue eyes because they have less melanin in their skin. Plus if we happen to run out of blondes that probably means blue eyes are next to go. Very very depressing.

And I know what you mean about the whole redhead thing. They're so hard to find but I know one and it's awesome! xD